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Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!

MBBS, Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, MRCGP
Cosmetology, Pinjore  •  24 years experience
Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!
If you use a skincare product for too long, it will stop working as your skin gets used to it.
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Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!
Which is the best ingredient to remove eye makeup and also rejuvenate skin?
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Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!
Facials may actually cause acne breakouts and are harmful.
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Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!
Which of the following sleeping habits can actually cause wrinkles?
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Attaining A Healthy, Glowing And Younger Looking Skin!
People get age spots on their skin only when they age.
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