DNB, MCh - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, MS - Plastic Surgery, MBBS
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Delhi
25 years experience
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Which of these are the first signs of the ageing of hands?
1 of 5
Hands are one of the foremost parts of the body that tend to show the signs of ageing in the form of bulging veins, liver spots and fine lines. This is due to the fact that the skin on the hands is much thinner as there are generally no fat deposits. Plus, these areas also come into contact with harsh chemicals like detergents and soap which eliminate the natural oils in the skin. And, the harmful rays of the sun also take a toll on the skin on the hands. Talk to an expert regarding the effectiveness of Botox treatment.
Which of these fillers are considered highly effective in reducing the age spots in the skin of the hands?
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It is crucial to note that it is not actually the Botox that aids in looking younger, but it is the right combination of fillers being used that can help in achieving the desirable look. For instance, Radiesse is very effective in removing fine lines along with hiding the veins and tendons. It can have a volumizing effect on the skin which, in turn, can make the skin appear younger. You cosmetologist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation to choose the right fillers.
The Botox treatment for the hands is a very fast process.
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As the Botox fillers are injected into the skin, the expert massages it so that it is plumps out the hands. It is regarded as a fast process since it typically takes less than 20 minutes and the best part is that the results are almost immediate. This is because the hands have fewer muscles compared to the facial region which can break down the filler faster compared to the face. Also, it is suggested that the fillers can stimulate the production of natural collagen of the skin. With the Botox treatment, you will need fewer anti-ageing treatments in the future.
Botox treatment is very effective in bringing down the effects of sun exposure.
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Aging also means the ill effects of excessive sun exposure bringing about age spots, liver spots and blemishes in the hands. Fortunately, the botox treatment is found to be effective in curing all these problems along with bringing down the age of the hands. You should contact your cosmetic specialist to avail the right treatment. The latest developments in the field of Botox treatment can help your hands have the desirous looks.
The Botox treatment does not yield permanent results.
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As the Botox treatment can stimulate renewed growth of elastin and collagen, the results are mostly permanent. With this process, the underlying support structure of the skin is empowered and thus, the wrinkles disappear. Within a few weeks or two, you can experience the replacement of the wrinkles and fine lines on the skin with some firm tissues and youthful skin. Limit the sun exposure of your hands to make the effects of Botox treatment permanent.