Ph.D. ( Russia), Post Graduate Diploma in Laser Medicine, M.M.S. ( Pune Univ), D. B. M. ( Pune Univ), B A M & S Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Laser Medicine Specialist, Pune
51 years experience
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Sun damage happens only during hot and sunny days.
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The extent of damage could be worse during the sunny days, but the damage happens anytime when you are out in the sun. The ultraviolet rays may be not adding to the heat but definitely cause sun damage. So, whenever you are stepping into the sun, be careful to wear sunscreen. Remember to check the SPF (sun protection factor) on the sunscreen you buy. Warmer the weather you are in, higher the SPF recommended.
Which of the following are caused due to sun damage?
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Almost 70% of the skin disorders have a correlation with the sun. The sun is very important for good skin health but at the same time can cause multiple damages as listed above. From the totally harmless sunspots to the cancerous basal cell carcinoma (BCC) which can be highly recurrent, the damage can vary across the entire spectrum. If you see any mole on your skin that is persistent or changing color, get it checked and if required, biopsied. Could be an early presentation of BCC.
Damage caused to the skin by sun is reversible.
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To a large extent, yes. It is true that we cannot go back to a state where there are no signs of skin damage after years of repeated exposure. But, further damage can be halted and damage caused so far can be significantly reversed with appropriate action. Take precautions to reduce sun damage, it is not just about tan, it could even be about preventing cancer.
Which of the following ways are used to reduce sun damage?
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When heading out in the sun, be it the cool beaches or the cooler mountains, make sure you are adequately protected against the sun. Ensure you have covered your face with a scarf or a veil, have the sunglasses on, and have applied copious sunscreen lotion. Any time when being out, sun protection is always essential. Remember to use a de-tan face pack once you are back from the sun to remove residual damages.
Sunscreen topical applications are sufficient to control sun damage
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Sunscreen definitely plays a major role in controlling skin damage, but other precautionary measures are also equally required. A wide-brimmed hat, a pair of sunglasses to protect the eyes, and a veil to protect sun hitting the face are equally important. Remember to never step out of the sun without sun protection. Remember to choose the sunscreen based on how harsh the sun in your area is. A brighter day may require a sunscreen with greater SPF.