Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine, Certificate Course in Panchkarna
Ayurvedic Doctor, Amritsar
12 years experience
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Massaging the scalp with sesame oil and fenugreek seeds is very effective in improving the conditions of the scalp.
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Massaging the scalp with sesame oil aids in improving the conditions such as flaky skin, itchiness, and hair fall. It is a highly effective herbal remedy which works by improving circulation and providing nutrition to the hair follicles. Fenugreek seeds can also offer the same effects for the scalp. For the best effect, you should consult an Ayurvedic expert who can evaluate your conditions and recommend the most suitable treatment for you.
Which of these can lead to scalp problems?
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Under general circumstances, the scalp sheds its cells like the skin on the body. When this occurs on an excessive level, the skin on the scalp appears as flakes on hair and the surface of clothes. There are various reasons behind this such as dry weather conditions, excessive dandruff, and psoriasis on the scalp. Sometimes, seborrheic dermatitis leads to redness and scaly patches on the skin. Last but not least, dirt and pollution also cause scalp problems. If you are having scalp problems, you should seek the advice of an Ayurvedic expert.
Hibiscus leaves and flowers are highly effective in treating scalp problems.
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Hibiscus flower and leaf paste is considered as a magic formula for treating various problems of the scalp starting from itchiness to flakes to hair fall. Applying this paste on the scalp regularly can work wonders for your scalp. You will have to take a few flowers and leaves and then make a paste out of it and apply it on your scalp. Allow it to dry for half an hour and wash it off to eliminate scalp problems. In order to improve the health of your scalp, you should have a good diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Which of these Ayurvedic herbs is effective in treating scalp problems?
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Brahmi and Amla (Indian gooseberry) are the two most effective herbal remedies for scalp problem. Massaging the scalp with these ingredients on a regular basis helps in improving the supply of blood to the skin on the scalp and supply the hair follicles with the optimum amount of nutrients. If you are suffering from scalp problems, massaging your scalp with these items can reduce hair loss and drying of hair.
Brushing the hair regularly can improve the scalp problems.
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When you are suffering from scalp problems, you should not scratch or brush your scalp quite frequently or too hard. You should always brush it very gently before washing the scalp and hair. You should also attempt to keep the scalp clean by washing it three times a week. But make sure that you don t take long warm showers as it can dry up your scalp faster. Use a good quality Ayurvedic shampoo to wash your hair.