Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
26 years experience
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Warts on your skin could mean increased risk of cancer
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Most forms of HPV or human papillomavirus don't lead to cancer but cause ugly looking warts on your skin such as on your hands and neck. These can be easily counteracted with homeopathic medication such as Thuja, Sepia, and Staphysagria. However, there are other forms of warts which can cause cancers within the body; these are known as high-risk warts. Homeopathic medications can check the manifestations of warts to reduce the incidence of cancers.
Which among these is the leading cause of vitiligo?
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Vitiligo is the depigmentation of skin in certain areas or patches of the skin. Most doctors attribute this condition to autoimmune disorders where the body's defensive mechanism starts attacking its own cells thereby causing the skin to lose its pigmentation. Homeopathy has some great cures for vitiligo in various combinations of medications such as bacillinum, sepia, sulphur and thuja among others. Homeopathy can not only arrest the spread of vitiligo but in limited areas, it can even reverse its effects.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that isn't affected by stress or psychological problems
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Stress or psychological problems can make things worse in any skin condition. Stress releases the cortisol hormone which has a negative impact on skin and thus will cause skin problems to become worse or may develop them as well in the first place. Even in homeopathy, it is advised to have de-stressing routines such as exercising and meditation alongside medications to help treat the causes of psoriasis.
Which food ingredient among these is most responsible for acne breakouts?
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Sugar is by far the largest culprit in triggering acne breakouts. It doesn't even need to be processed sugar, as sugar in the simplest form in juices, beverages, and other health foods can also lead to acne. It has been seen that teenagers who follow a low sugar diet tend to have lesser acne. Homeopathy has medication such as pulsatilla, sulphur, and thuja which among various combinations, can easily counteract acne.
Coffee can help improve your skin by toning it up
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Coffee contains caffeine which in fact is known to cause wrinkles and dehydrate the body and is thus bad for skin health. If you drink coffee regularly, then it is advised to limit the number of cups. Also, re-hydrate yourself with enough water daily to balance the dehydrating effects of this beverage.