Ayurvedic Doctor, Trivandrum
19 years experience
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What are some healthy food habits that can be beneficial to the stomach as recommended by Ayurveda?
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When followed rightly, the above can help keep all stomach issue at bay. With recent lifestyle changes, most of us have changed the way we eat and what we eat. When we are hungry for a snack, we would rather eat a packet of chips than reach out for fruit. This has caused the damage, and the sooner we revert, the lesser the damage on the stomach. Health eating habits and patterns should be taught to children right from an early age so they see and learn and imbibe them.
Ayurveda can help in preventing problems related to stomach health
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Ayurvedic measures, if followed strictly, can help prevent common stomach problems like indigestion, acidity, and constipation. For example, eating freshly cooked foods can help avoid indigestion. Eating a lot of fibre can help avoid constipation. Most health issues related to the stomach are easily preventable and related to food habits.
What are the most common stomach issues that are faced by most people?
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All of the above listed are most common issues related to the stomach and often caused due to poor eating habits. While spicy or oily foods can lead to acidity and bloated feeling, badly cooked or half cooked food can cause indigestion and vomiting. Reduced amount of fibre in the food can cause constipation. All of these do not actually require any treatment other than changing the way a person eats or what he eats. Sticking to a healthy food pattern goes a long way in keeping the stomach healthy and reduce damage to it in the long run.
Ayurveda believes stomach issues can be cured with lifestyle changes
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Ayurveda believes good health is a result of a balance between three body elements Vata, pitta, and kapha. The imbalance between these three can lead to ill health, even if small issues like acidity and indigestion. Revisiting food habits including small, frequent meals, fresh foods, including various spices, chewing slowly, and drinking lot of water can avoid a lot of stomach health issues. Children learn by seeing things, and so it is very important to teach them these good habits at an early age.
What are some simple Ayurvedic remedies that are beneficial for the stomach?
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When you are given saunf to eat after food, there is a strong reason behind it. Ginger and garlic are used in garnishing as there is a strong reason for it. Similarly with pepper and cumin. These are stomach-friendly herbs, and when included in various foods from buttermilk to seasoning, can have a great soothing effect on the stomach. Stomach issues like acidity and heartburn can be prevented by consuming these in small quantities on a regular basis. Before heading to the chemist to solve stomach issues, look in the kitchen. There are more remedies than you can think of!!