Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
36 years experience
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Watching TV can actually help you lose weight.
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In fact, watching TV at the end of the day has been found to contribute to weight gain due to continuous sitting and consumption of snacks even after dinner can lead to immense weight gain. It has been observed in many studies that watching TV for two hours or so every night increases the risks of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease as well as obesity. Cut down your TV time and the snack time along with it to lose weight and thus get a flatter belly.
Which of the following colors on room walls has been known to reduce appetite?
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Most eateries and food establishments have been known to paint their walls in brighter colors, such as red or yellow as these have been proven in studies to increase appetite. Thus, if the colors of your living area and bedroom are brighter in color, it might just be contributing to increased hunger and appetite. To decrease appetite, paint your room in blue as it has been shown to reduce hunger and aid in weight loss.
Sniffing peppermint everyday can actually help reduce weight.
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It is a known fact that within various food groups, certain smells increase your appetite while others help you to suppress it. The aroma from peppermint leaves and oils help in the suppression of appetite. Some other aromas can also be helpful in this purpose, such as banana, green apple and vanilla. You can actually take a whiff of peppermint by using aromatic candles or putting a few drops of peppermint oil on your pillow before going to sleep.
Which among the following can actually contribute to a flabby belly?
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While daily or regular exercise can be healthy for you, the timing of the exercise is also quite important. One thing to be avoided at all costs is exercising 2 to 3 hours before sleep. While a mid-day workout or even an evening workout is ok, exercising too close to sleep time will result in broken sleep patterns, cravings for food at the wrong time and thus lead to weight gain.
Lowering the AC temperature can actually help you to lose weight.
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Lowering the temperature slightly below the comfortable levels will actually help you burn calories and lose weight. This is due to the fact that if the body feels colder than normal, it will burn extra calories to help keep the body warm. The perfect temperature to burn calories is around 17 18 C or 64 Fahrenheit.