Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), M.D (Ayu)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navsari
13 years experience
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Sipping on Ginger tea can be an excellent way of maintaining your digestive health, as believed in Ayurveda.
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Referred to as a universal remedy in Ayurveda, consumption of ginger along with tea is known to offer many health benefits, a sound digestive health being one of them. Ginger can smoothen not only the functioning of the muscles in the intestines but also relieves symptoms of cramping and gas. You can easily prepare large batches of ginger tea and store it in your thermos and have a sip from it now and then, throughout the day.
Which of these Ayurveda tips can help in great digestion?
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There are various constitutional treatments available of Ayurveda which are nothing but a few habits that can make the digestion process healthier. Some of such digestion-friendly Ayurveda tips are, eating mindfully, without any distractions, avoiding eating food that your stomach has to struggle to accommodate, meditating daily, focusing on the inner mind to obtain a sense of peacefulness and get rid of anxiety. You can always consult with an Ayurveda doctor to implement best practices for healthy digestion in your daily life.
According to Ayurveda, following a consistent daily routine is crucial for excellent digestive health.
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The practice of following an appropriate daily routine is emphasized greatly in Ayurveda for it being supportive of Agni, the essential factor for human's well-being. Maintaining a routine not only helps in reducing the stress and anxiety but also creates a sense of regularity, introducing the right balance in life, which is the key to a healthy digestive system. To keep your digestive health unharmed, you can talk to an Ayurvedic doctor for necessary Ayurvedic medicines or practices to follow.
Which of these Ayurvedic way of eating can help in better digestion?
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As per the Ayurvedic principle, the digestive fire burns the strongest when the sun reaches its highest point. In Ayurveda, humans are believed to be the mere reflection of what's happening in nature. Eating the biggest or heaviest meal during the lunch gives the body enough time to fully digest the food before going to bed when the digestive system shuts down effectively. In case you have any particular physical condition that prevents you from having heavy meals, consult with an Ayurveda doctor before changing your eating routine.
Inhaling fresh air and doing pranayama has nothing to do with ensuring proper digestive health.
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It is known to everyone that air feeds a fire. Similarly, in Ayurveda it is believed that the Agni is kindled every time we breathe air, boosting a healthy digestive health. Therefore, the best way to feed the internal Agni is by inhaling fresh air, for which various breathing pranayama are there to help. In case you are unable to determine the doshas that are affecting your Agni or well-being, consult with an Ayurveda doctor and convey your queries and problems to him.