The symptoms vary based on the urinary tract of each gender, and thus the warning signs of men and women having kidney stones are not similar. Besides the above mentioned symptoms, various other signs may include menstrual or ovulation pain, UTI, vaginitis, frequent urination, tremendous back pain, blood present in urine, a pain of vulva, etc. The best remedy for easing the pain caused by kidney stones is letting your physician start the treatment as fast as possible.
What are the common causes of kidney stones?
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The Geographic location may be one of the reasons as, for example, the inhabitants of Southern United States tend to have an enhanced risk of having stones. Mainly, the hot climate along with inadequate intake of fluid is one reason. People taking antacids rich in calcium may increase the risk too. Various other medications also stand as reasons behind the formation of stones. Some underlying diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, renal tubular acidosis, cystic fibrosis, etc. are also associated with the formation of kidney stones. Regular diet may also prove to another cause of this disorder. Salt and animal protein rich food may maximize the risk. You may minimize the risk by following the instructions of your regular physician and by maintaining your diet.
Besides affecting the kidneys, kidney stones are also harmful to the entire urinary system.
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According to individuals who have experienced kidney stones, the pain caused by it is regarded as one of the most unbearable pains one can go through. Small stones may travel through urinary tract which is comparatively painless. But, if the stones are large, then surgery may prove to be the best option for breaking down the stones. Many- a- times, kidney stones block a portion of the urinary tract, resulting in pain along with UTIs (urinary tract infections). Treatment must begin as soon as possible because if you leave it untreated, then it might lead to future complications.
The symptoms of kidney stones are similar in the case of adults and children.
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This particular fact is not true because children suffering from kidney stones might not experience same symptoms like those of the adults. The common and top signs that children having kidney stones experience include constant crying, restlessness, pain, and blood present in urine. The gradual change in the color and frequency of urine is one of the most common signals that a child is suffering from this health disorder. As children do not possess excessive pain tolerating power, so you must consult a doctor immediately.
Few symptoms of kidney stones are similar to those of flu.
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Infection due to a stone getting stuck in the urinary tract may lead to infection which further results in fever, fatigue, chill, etc. Due to extreme pain, the person may also feel nauseous or start vomiting.
Tip: Only a doctor can understand the severity of a patient s condition so don t waste a single second.