Which of these is the most common kidney disorder?
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Hydronephrosis or swelling of kidneys is a common condition which normally occurs when any one or both the kidneys are not able to execute the normal drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder. It is important to note that hydronephrosis is not the primary condition, but it results from some underlying condition of the kidneys. It is a structural condition which stems from the blockage in the urinary tract. If you feel any obstruction or pressure while urinating, consult an expert without any delay.
Which of these are the symptoms of kidney swelling?
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The duration for which you have been experiencing the obstruction affects the symptoms. In most cases, the kidney swelling starts manifesting itself through the urge to urinate more often along with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain in the flank or abdomen, incomplete voiding and fever. Interrupting the flow of urine also increases the chance of having urinary tract infections.
Tip: If you feel any of these symptoms, increase the intake of fluid and consult a nephrologist.
Blockage in the ureter is the most common cause of kidney swelling.
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Many people regard kidney swelling as a disease, but this is not true. It is an effect of numerous internal and external conditions which not only affect the kidney but the entire urinary system. The most common reason behind hydronephrosis is the sudden development of some kind of obstacles in any of the ureters. This could be due to a kidney stone, blood clots, and scarring. The blockage in the ureter can cause the urine to go back to the kidney, which leads to swelling.
Tip: Never ignore the symptoms as it can lead to life-threatening problems.
Early diagnosis is the best way to deal with kidney swelling
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Getting the diagnosis of hydronephrosis is critical to curing it. The kidneys can be damaged forever if the condition is left untreated for a prolonged period of time. The doctor would typically begin by getting the overall evaluation of the health status and then concentrate on the symptoms pertaining to kidney swelling.
Tip: Doctor would use a catheter for draining it out of the bladder.
Inserting a catheter can release out all the urine from the bladder.
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If the obstruction is in your urethra or the bladder, then it will not be possible to drain out all the urine through the catheter. In such cases, the doctor would ask you to undergo a CT scan or a renal ultrasound in order to make sure where the obstruction lies as well as the extent of swelling. These images would enable him to see an image of the inside of the body which is required for the precise treatment. The renal ultrasound offers the closest look to the kidney and surrounding organs, hence a good option.