Masters in Dietetics and Food Service Management, B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, PHD in Nutrition and gut health
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
21 years experience
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Metabolism is all about
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Metabolism is about all of the three processes. Catabolism is a metabolic process that involves the breaking down of chemical bonds in things to release energy in the form of calories while Anabolism is the process of storing energy by building chemical bonds to store energy in the form of fats and carbohydrates. The proper functioning of both these processes is essential for a good metabolism.
Which of these foods boost metabolism?
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No food can speed up metabolism in a significant way. Green tea and chilies can temporarily boost metabolism, but the calories burnt are insignificant and fail to offset the calorie intake in any notable way.
Thin individuals have a faster metabolism
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Thin people have slower metabolism while at rest as compared to their overweight counterparts. However, muscle mass plays a big role in deciding the metabolic rate. The higher the muscle mass of an individual, the faster his or her metabolism.
Having breakfast can kick start your metabolism
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A 16-week study showed that whether a subject had breakfast or not, there was no change in his or her daily metabolism. In fact, the subjects who had breakfast consumed more calories throughout the day. However, even if having breakfast does no wonders for your metabolism, it definitely provides you more energy to work throughout the day.
Men have a higher metabolic rate than women
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Owing to the higher muscle density in the bodies of men, they have a 10% higher basal metabolic rate than women. However, by exercising and eating right, it is possible for women to achieve a higher muscle density and a basal metabolic rate equal to men's.