BPTh/BPT, Diploma in Acupuncture, Postgraduate Certificate in Acupuncture
Acupuncturist, Hyderabad
14 years experience
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Acupuncture is originated from?
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Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment or medicine. According to this Chinese medicine (Acupuncture), most problems occur in the body due to the excess and deficiency of any aspect. This practice believes that people have energy forces known as the chi (or Qi), pronounced as Chee. The body may respond with illness and pain when this chi gets blocked or unbalanced.
A Prolapse disc is also known as _______________________?
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A prolapsed disc is also known as a slipped disc or herniated disc. In this type of problem, the disc is not actually slipped, but the nucleus pulposus (the inner soft part of the disc) bulges out or herniates due to the weak outer part of the disc. This cause inflammation and pain. The bulging disc compresses the surrounding nerves which sometimes lead to chronic pain.
It may also affect the nerves coming from the spine due to which the disc in the spine can also get prolapse. However, usually, prolapse disc occurs in the lower part of the body (lumbar part). The pain and inflammation are dependent upon the size of prolapse.
Is Acupuncture helpful in the treatment of Prolapse disc?
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Acupuncture is one of the most helpful alternative ways to treat Prolapse disc. Acupuncture believes that inflammation and pain in the Prolapse disc can be the result of the excess syndrome of blood and Chi (Qi, or energy) blockage. It treats the deficiency and excess material and helps energy to flow smoothly.
Acupuncture for Prolapse disc aims to?
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Acupuncture for Prolapse disc aims to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and strengthen back. It targets some points in a particular location where the pain and inflammation are being felt. This will helpful for relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Some other points are also chosen at distance to remove the blockage of the energy which leads to relieving pain. The technique also helps to strengthen the back.
Prolapse disc is common in the lower back but cannot occur in the neck?
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Prolapse disc is common in the part of the lower back but may also happen in the neck, also known as the cervical spine. The problem is separately known as Cervical Spondylosis in which occur due 'wear and tear of the discs and vertebrae of the neck.