MD - Ayurveda, Ph.D Arthritic Disorder, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Surat
36 years experience
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The recurrence of cancer may be prevented through the use of Ayurveda.
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Studies have indicated that ayurvedic medicines such as ashwagandha have anti-cancer effects that prevent the condition from relapsing. The detoxing and purifying function of ayurvedic remedies targets the malignant cells in the body and boosts the immunity system that makes the body more resilient to relapses. Along with herbal medication, dietary and lifestyle modifications also aid in the process of healing.
What makes Ayurveda the most effective kind of medical therapy?
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Ayurveda aims to improve overall health by holistically treating the body and mind. It uses a combination of herbal medicines, physical exercise, yoga, and meditation to not only treat diseases without side effects or any chances of relapse but also to prevent and disorders from occurring and developing in the first place.
Ayurveda can only cure physical ailments.
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Ayurveda is effective in treating all kinds of mental health disorders. Some of these include depression, mood swings, phobias and anxiety disorders. Through the prescription of medication, dietary modifications, herbal medicines and lifestyle changes, Ayurveda effectively treats the brain chemicals that cause depression and other mental health issues. It helps calm the nerves and provides a lasting remedy to the issue.
What is the main focus of Ayurveda?
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Ayurveda is regarded by many as the world's oldest system of healing and medicine. It is a way of life that improves health and promotes overall well-being in a systematic and holistic manner. Ayurveda works by finding the right balance between mind, body, and spirit to prevent any kind of illness, both mental and physical in nature, which is applicable to people of all ages and genders.
Ayurveda cannot treat genetic heart problems.
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With the right kind of diagnosis and prescription, cardiovascular problems that run in the family can be effectively dealt with through Ayurveda. Here, Ayurveda functions in a preventive capacity by reducing and even eliminating the chances of the onset of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Many ayurvedic herbal medicines such as ginseng and aloe improve cardiovascular function by acting as antitoxins, thereby cleansing and purifying the blood.