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Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?

MD - Ayurveda, Ph.D Arthritic Disorder, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Surat  •  36 years experience
Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?
The recurrence of cancer may be prevented through the use of Ayurveda.
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Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?
What makes Ayurveda the most effective kind of medical therapy?
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Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?
Ayurveda can only cure physical ailments.
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Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?
What is the main focus of Ayurveda?
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Ayurveda - How Useful Is It?
Ayurveda cannot treat genetic heart problems.
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