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Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MS - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bangalore  •  40 years experience
Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care
Which of the following dietary norms should you adhere to while going for ayurvedic body toning programs?
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Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care
Ayurveda toning programs involve a number of lifestyle changes.
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Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care
Ayurvedic supplements may help in muscle growth.
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Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care
Ayurveda aids weight loss.
4 of 5
Sports and Fitness - Ayurvedic Self Care
Which of the following are positive by-products of using ayurvedic means for toning your body?
5 of 5

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