MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Ahmedabad
21 years experience
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What are the chances of getting pregnant through IVF techniques?
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In Vitro Fertilization or IVF, with donor eggs and donor sperm is a laboratory technique, where both the donors remain anonymous. They place the previously harvested donor eggs with the donor sperm. There is a 94% assurance of getting pregnant through this technique. In this process, a woman s ovulatory process is monitored and stimulated. This is followed by the removal of an ovum or ova from the ovaries of the woman, and finally, their fertilization by the sperm in the laboratory. This can be extremely beneficial for couples with fertility issues.
To stimulate the ovaries, what is used by the egg donor as a daily injection?
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Stimulation of ovaries is the first step in the IVF process. To match the cycle of ovulation of the recipient, the donor self-administers daily injections of gonadotropin, to stimulate her ovaries and suppress her natural cycle in order to ensure that there is more than one egg for retrieval. The egg donors are monitored closely through ultrasound and blood tests during ovarian stimulation.
The risk of the woman or the offspring being affected by Hepatitis B in the male who is providing the sperm is negligible through sperm washing.
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In males with Hepatitis B, sperm washing is not necessary to prevent transmission, provided the female donor is vaccinated. However, there is not enough evidence to ensure if
the vertical transmission of the disease to the offspring from the females with Hepatitis B occurs or not. The risk of vertical transmission in females during IVF is not very different from the risk in spontaneous conception.
If a fertilized egg develops outside the uterus, Ectopic pregnancy may occur.
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If the fertilized egg is left to grow outside the uterus, it may cause life-threatening loss of blood, damage nearby organs, cause pelvic pain, and even vaginal bleeding. It usually develops in the fallopian tubes and requires immediate destruction of the fetus. Treatment is required to prevent all these. Other complications of IVF include multiple births, pregnancy loss, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome for the donor. It can also cause prematurity, septal heart defects, cleft lip, anorectal atresia, and esophageal atresia for the offspring.
In cryopreservation, the pre-embryos that have not been transferred, are frozen in liquid hydrogen.
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Liquid nitrogen is used to store the pre-embryos that have not been transferred. They are then carefully stored and labelled, in the embryo bank. If a pregnancy is not achieved on the first attempt, these pre-embryos can be used in subsequent cycles. This type of cryopreservation is known as Vitrification.
Tip: As a result of Vitrification, there is no need to stimulate the follicles and harvest the eggs. Thus, for usage in subsequent cycles, the treatment of preparing the uterus for the transfer of frozen embryos, is much simpler.