MBBS, DNB ( General Surgery ), MNAMS - General Surgery
Gastroenterologist, Pune
27 years experience
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Which of these lifestyle changes are proven to help with digestion?
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Changing the eating habits, like eating mindfully, avoiding overeating or not staying on an empty stomach for long hours, etc., is one of the most important lifestyle change that helps with digestion. Making exercise a part of your daily life and staying stress-free not only helps in healthy bowel movement but also ensures smooth digestion. In case you are having digestion issues even after introducing healthy changes to your lifestyle, contact a gastroenterologist right away.
Which of these plays an equally important role in keeping the digestive tract running smoothly?
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Smoking tobacco, having excessive alcohol and caffeine interferes with the smooth functioning of the digestive system, leading to heartburn, chronic acidity, and even stomach ulcers. On the other hand, overeating and eating unhealthy leads to obesity which may cause hemorrhoids, gastro esophageal reflux disease, etc. and damage the digestive tract severely. Making lifestyle changes on these particular aspects certainly, can guarantee good digestive health. Avoiding junk foods, foods that are processed, fried and high in fat can also help with maintaining the digestive tract health.
Staying well hydrated and including plenty of fiber in one's daily diet can also make a lifestyle more digestion-friendly.
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To make the digestive process function smoothly, the body needs water. As soon as the body fails to get the necessary water, it ll start to become dehydrated which may result in constipation and other digestion issues. Therefore, make it a point to have enough water daily, while reducing the intake of sugary packed drinks and alcohol. To keep your body hydrated, don t end up having carbonated beverages, as they do more harm to your digestion than any good.
Staying awake during the night or sleeping late every night has nothing to do with messing up the digestion process.
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If staying awake or sleeping late is a part of your lifestyle, then it's time that you focus on changing it as it may take a toll on your digestive process. Just like the body needs rest, so does the digestive system, which can only be achieved through proper sleep. Going to bed early and waking up at regular hours daily can not only make the digestive system work more efficiently but also influence the bowel regularity. If you re unable to sleep properly due to stress, make sure to consult with a doctor or talk to your family members about the problem.
Following a daily routine is one of the most important lifestyle changes that help with digestion.
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Identifying a particular time when you'll be able to spend the necessary time on the toilet, responding to your natural bowel pattern at the right time when you feel the urge, or by having a glass of warm drink during the breakfast can help you better establish a digestion-friendly routine. You can always take help of a dietician to chalk out a routine of food quantity and eating time to make your lifestyle a healthy one.