Which of these is the primary reason behind performing a laparotomy?
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There are various reasons behind performing laparotomy such as determining the cause of abdominal pain, extent of the ailment and to check the functionality of the organs. For instance, in the case of a patient suffering from endometriosis, it is not possible to find out the extent of the disease with the help of imaging techniques. If your doctor has suggested you to undergo laparotomy, you should get it done immediately.
Laparotomy is a comprehensive process that aids in determining a host of health conditions.
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There are various conditions which may be investigated during the laparotomy procedure including cancer of the abdominal organs, inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity, inflammation of appendix and peritoneum, pancreatitis, abscesses as in a localized area of infection, adhesions and diverticulitis and intestinal perforation. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, it is important to get the condition diagnosed through laparotomy.
What is the meaning of laparotomy?
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A laparotomy is a procedure wherein an incision is made in the abdominal region for visualizing and examining the parts present within the abdominal cavity. It is a procedure of abdominal exploration and a diagnostic tool which helps experts to examine the internal organs. It is mostly recommended for patients who suffers from abdominal pain without any proper reason or whose abdomen has been affected by an injury. If you are suffering from severe pain in the abdomen for a considerable stretch of time, it is advised to seek the advice of an expert without further delay.
The patient is not required to undergo general anesthesia for the laparotomy process.
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The patient is normally placed under general anesthesia throughout the duration of the laparotomy surgery. The benefit of general anesthesia is that the patient would remain unconscious all through the procedure and he or she doesn t feel any pain or have any memory of the process. Moreover, the muscles remain relaxed absolutely so that the surgery can be performed safely. There is no need to feel anxious as the process is very safe.
After the completion of the laparotomy surgery, all the organs in the abdomen are returned to their normal state.
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Once the laparotomy process is completed and the organs are explored, the organs along with their related structures are returned back to their normal state. The incision which was made at first is closed together and the abdominal wall layers are sutured in a reverse position while the skin is closed with staples or sutures. If you want to go through this process, you can rest assured that your abdominal organs are restored back to their anatomical positions.