General Physician, Bangalore
28 years experience
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Dehydration makes you fall sick
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Water is very much necessary for our survival. Drinking enough water is very important. Drinking less than 8-ounce glasses of water per day can make you dehydrated. Benefits of drinking the required amount of water include weight loss, reduces joint pains, headaches can be prevented, and you can stay energised throughout the day. It is even proved that enough fluids in the body can prevent cancer. Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up cleanses your whole system. Replace soft drinks with water.
Smoking can be fatal
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Smoking cigarettes can lead to various diseases. It is injurious to health. It affects us and also the people around us. The immune system is weakened due to smoking, and the body gets prone to various diseases. Lung tissues are attacked, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is another threat. It also causes cancer. Right from your teeth to the system inside, everything is affected due to smoking. Chain smokers are more prone to many diseases. Quit smoking by yourself or head to rehabilitation centers.
Which of these habits make you fall sick?
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From skipping your breakfast in the morning to biting your nails, forgetting to drink up the required glass of water to eating right at your desk to not having a good night sleep of 6-8 hours - all such activities can end up making you feel tired and unhealthy. You should follow a regular routine. What goes around comes around, so treat your body right for it to be healthy. Skipping meals, sleep deprivation, and biting your nails regularly can lead to illnesses. Maintaining a proper diet and having meals at the right time is vital. When it comes to sleep routine, you should sleep for at least 6-8 hours. Avoid biting your nails. Eat right and sleep tight to avoid illnesses.
Stress can lead to illnesses
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Taking on more stuffs than what you can actually manage can be stressful and can lead to a lot of sicknesses. Increased blood pressure, insomnia, nausea, headaches, depression, shortness of breath, aches in the muscles etc. are the results of stressing too much. Stressing disturbs your entire routine. This fact is scientifically proven too. The worst that could happen is that it can lead to heart attacks. A counselling session can help you solve this problem. Use stress balls to relieve stress or take breaks at regular intervals.
. Which of these should you avoid for a healthy living?
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Smoking can cause damages to your system and affect passive smokers too. Alcohol consumption is injurious to health. It might cause liver and lung problems. There are certain shots that are vital to increasing immunity. One such vaccination is the flu shot. It should not be neglected especially by people with chronic health conditions. The risk of hospitalisation is effectively reduced by taking regular vaccinations. Flu vaccinations reduce the intensity of your sickness. Taking prescribed shots at the right time and regular health check-ups are necessary for a healthy living. Make necessary lifestyle changes to lead a healthy life.