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Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara  •  18 years experience
Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?
The use of cosmetics and makeup on the face exacerbates the condition of acne.
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Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?
Which of the following is most likely to cause acne?
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Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?
The products that you use on your hair can cause you to develop acne.
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Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?
Which of the following are effective remedies that can keep your acne under control?
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Acne And Pimples - How Homeopathy Will Help?
Using toothpaste on your pimples does not help you get rid of acne.
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