Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Mumbai
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A facelift surgery is indeed a blessing that rectifies and corrects
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From wrinkled skin to a cheek lift to restoration of neck and chin contours, a facelift gives the face a much-needed lift, also doing your overall appearance and self-confidence a world of good. There are different facelift surgeries available to deal with specific aging problems. Facelift surgery comes with its share of pros and cons. Evaluate the options properly before going for facelift surgery.
Stem Cell Facelift uses donor stem cells (not from one's own body) to treat the signs of aging. True False
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Stem Cell facelift has taken the cosmetic industry by storm. It is a procedure where the stem cells (adipose) of a person are harvested, manipulated, and modified (as per convenience). The modified cells are carefully injected into the target areas of the face to be treated. With the stem cell facelift, the face appears younger, more toned, and rejuvenated. Research is still on to channelize on the utility and effectiveness of the stem cells to achieve better facelift results.
A mid-face or a cheek lift is used to treat conditions of
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Sagging cheeks can affect facial features to a great extent, making one look tired. The cheeks lack the cushion and appear quite flat. As indicative of the name, a cheek lift goes a long way to improve the conditions of sagging cheeks. A mid-face lift is a surgical procedure to elevate the Malar Fat Pad. With the restoration of the cheek fats, the cheeks along with the eyes appear full and rejuvenated. For better results, go for an experienced cosmetic surgeon with a higher success rate.
In spite of the innumerable benefits, one cannot ignore the demerits and complications associated with a facelift.
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In many cases, a facelift fails to produce the desired result, distorting the face further. There may be complications such as a hematoma (a condition where blood collects outside the blood vessels), infection at the incision site, severe pain and swelling (may last longer than expected). Nevertheless, facelifts have been illuminating lives with renewed vigor. The aging signs no longer compel a person to avoid social gatherings and function.
A lower facelift surgery is a revelation that helps to get rid of
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In many people, skin aging results in jaws, an appearance of deep wrinkles and sagginess especially around the corners of the mouth. The skin around the jawline and neck also becomes saggy and loose. Lower facelift surgery addresses all of the mentioned problems effectively (tightens the loosened skin and also trims the excess skin) thereby reducing the signs of aging. Some of the side-effects associated with the surgery include swelling, bruising, infection (rare), to name a few.