A condition called goitre develops when the thyroid gland grow and form thyroid nodules. These are usually non-malignant developments which can be easily treated with surgery. A surgery is performed mostly when these nodules cause difficulty while breathing and swallowing. Thyroid surgery is also needed if the nodules are larger in size.
Thyroid lobectomy and Total thyroidectomy are similar kinds of surgeries.
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The thyroid gland is a single gland which is located right below the Adam s apple and is responsible for producing hormones that encourage metabolism. The gland is divided into two lobes. If nodules develop in one of the two lobes, a surgical method called lobectomy is conducted to remove only the affected lobe. A Total thyroidectomy is performed if a person is diagnosed with thyroid cancer. In this case the entire thyroid gland is removed.
Which of the following is a role of thyroxine?
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Thyroxine is a hormone that is produced by the thyroid and it induces metabolism, maintenance of body temperature, growth and development. Among infants thyroxine plays a major role in the development of the brain. However, if the production of the hormone is abnormally high, a condition called hyperthyroidism develops. On the contrary, lower level of thyroxine production causes hypothyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is often treated by surgery and levothyroxine medicines are used to treat hypothyroidism.
Which of the following is a treatment for hyperthyroidism?
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Radioactive iodine medications are usually prescribed to a person suffering from hyperthyroidism. The gland absorbs the iodine and eventually the overt production of thyroxine is reduced considerably. However, immobility of the thyroxine hormone can lead to other complexities. Therefore, compensatory medicines are recommended to those who take radioactive iodine drugs. Surgery is another method to treat hyperthyroidism, but it is usually avoided. It is only performed on pregnant women and on those people who either are intolerant to anti-thyroid medications or are diagnosed with thyroid cancer. In this case the thyroid gland is completely removed.
Thyroid Cancer is treatable and surgery can eliminate the disease.
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Thyroid Cancer can be cured by surgery. This process is called Thyroidectomy, where the thyroid gland is completely removed. However, patients with very small thyroid cancers might not need surgery at all and they are kept under observation before medical aid is extended. If the tumors, showing signs of cancer do not grow outside the thyroid gland, partial surgery will solve the problem. If the lymph nodes are inflamed and are found to be cancerous, they are also removed along with the thyroid gland. Thyroid surgery is often followed by Radio Iodine Treatment if the cancer makes a comeback. But surgery itself is the best method to cure thyroid cancer.