Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
26 years experience
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Mustard oil is good for your hair.
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Mustard oils aid darkening of hair color. It also prevents premature graying, hair loss and several other scalp-related problems. It works as a hair-vitalizer and helps in preventing scalp infections by disallowing fungal growth; thus allowing it to stay hydrated and healthy.
How is mustard oil good for your skin?
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Mustard oil has a rather thick consistency and high levels of Vitamin E, which protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun; thus preventing skin cancer, ageing and wrinkle formation. It can also be used as a part of concoction that treats dark spots, removes tan and even cures rashes and infections.
Which of the following can be possible attributes of mustard oil?
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Mustard oil acts as an anti-fungal agent, as it prohibits fungal growth and avoids spreading of already-formed infections. It works as an anti-bacterial agent as well; combating bacterial growth in the digestive system, urinary tract and colon. It also works as a diaphoretic, which means it promotes sweating, thus resulting in toxin removal, salts and excess water from your body.
Mustard oil reduces cancer risks.
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When applied on the body, mustard oil protects you from the harmful UV rays of the sun, reducing risks of melanomic cancers. When consumed, a substance called Glucosinolate (natural component of pungent plants such as mustard, horseradish, etc.) is activated, which works as an anti-carcinogenic and prevents tumor formation. Thus, it helps reducing the risks of gastrointestinal and colorectal cancers exponentially.
Mustard oil is bad for your heart.
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Contrary to this popular belief, mustard oil is rather good for the heart and has a number of cardiovascular benefits. It is rich in a number of poly-saturated as well as mono-saturated fats (also, omega-3 and omega-6 acids). Mustard oil helps in balancing cholesterol levels by increasing levels of good cholesterol and decreasing bad cholesterol. It thus works as a good substitute for cheese or butter, which are saturated food oils.