Putting yourself out of your comfort zone can help reduce excessive worrying
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People who worry a lot feel that they can't operate in uncomfortable situations. They feel nervous and believe uncomfortable circumstances will make them worry even more. But the truth is you can learn a lot more from uncomfortable situations if you worry more than normal people. The goal is to be able to do things you believe you can't do or get into circumstances, which make you feel uncomfortable.
Which of these foods help reduce excessive worrying and anxiety?
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Whole grains are rich in magnesium, the lack of which causes anxiety. They are also rich in tryptophan, which becomes serotonin (a calming neurotransmitter). Seaweed offers you the same benefits as whole grain foods and can be an alternative for people who are gluten sensitive. Almonds are rich in zinc, which helps in maintaining a balanced mood. The iron content in almonds helps prevent brain fatigue, thus reducing chances of excessive worrying and anxiety.
Worrying affects your brain
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Worrying in excess can deeply impact your brain. Excessive worrying disturbs your peace of mind, thus making it extremely difficult for you to concentrate on any one particular thing at a time. This can indirectly affect your sleep at night, leading to insomnia in some cases. Once that happens, you start worrying about it even more, making the symptoms worse.
Which of these health problems are triggered by excessive worrying?
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Chronic worrying can trigger many health problems. Excessive worrying induces the "fight or flight" response in people. This response causes your nervous system to secrete stress hormones such as "cortisol". These hormones can increase blood sugar level whereas another hormone, "adrenaline", can be toxic to your brain cells and the immune system. Other physical side effects can include muscle aches, dryness, dizziness, etc.
You can tend to worry more if you have always been over protected
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Overprotection can be the base of your habit of excessive worrying. Studies show that children who have been overprotected by their parents and other members of their family grow up to be individuals who worry excessively.