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Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?

M.A. Clinical Psychology, Diploma In Counselling, Diploma In Mental Illness
Psychologist, Kolkata  •  10 years experience
Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?
Which of the following signs can help you notice that the person is about to be physically abusive yet again?
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Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?
Which of the following self-help strategies can help you deal with such a person?
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Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?
Knowing about which of the following traits of the abuser can help you deal with physical abuse?
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Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?
You are at risk if you decide to abandon or leave the abuser
4 of 5
Physical Abuse - How Best It Can Be Dealt?
Do not consult your friends or family after the abuse or the fight:
5 of 5

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