M.S - Counselling & Psychotherapy, Post Graduate Diploma In Sexual & Reproductive Medicine, Certification In Counselling Process, LLB
Psychologist, Hyderabad
29 years experience
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In order to deal with the death of a loved one, it is important to do the following:
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When you lose a loved one, a sense of denial might stop you from expressing yourself. But it would be better to express yourself and let those feelings get released so that they do not create problems later on in the form of emotional and physical conditions. Continue to do the things that you would have done with the deceased so that you can get a sense of release which will help you let your emotions out.
Joining a support group can help you get closure when you have lost a loved one.
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It is imperative to find and join a support group where there will be like minded people who may have overcome such a loss. Hearing their success stories will also give one the necessary encouragement to move on and live a more normal life despite the loss of a loved one. The support group can come from school, your work place or even a help line number which can organize meets as well.
The death of loved one can cause the following issues to crop up:
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The death of a loved one can cause a variety of problems in the emotional sense. While a person ends up feeling an irreversible sense of loss, there may also be a sense of denial as the news takes a while to sink and for the person to accept the same. Also, there are many stages of grief that one must go through in order to deal with the loss. Joining in the rituals to bid farewell to the deceased can help in overcoming the feelings of denial.
Do not allow people to be there for you when you are grieving the loss of a loved one.
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It is important to let your family and friends be around you and help you out with your daily functioning. This will help you cope in a better manner as you will not be overwhelmed with your physical realities at this point. Respond to your family and friends in a timely manner so that you give them a chance to be there for you. It is a good idea to not ignore calls and messages.
It is a good idea to seek therapy to ensure that any alcohol dependency does not set in.
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In case you find yourself turning to one drink too many, then you may want to seek therapy so that you can speak with an unbiased professional and get your feelings out in the open. Call a friend instead of picking up a drink.