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How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?

M.B.B.S, C.S.C, D.C.H
Cardiologist,  •  40 years experience
How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?
Only digestive system disorders can affect normal poop habit in older adults.
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How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?
How can you maintain healthy poop habit in older age?
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How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?
What is the most common problem related to poop habit that elderly tend to face?
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How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?
Which of the following physical factors may affect poop habits in the old age?
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How To Maintain Healthy Poop In Old Age?
Certain changes in diet and lifestyle can help reduce constipation and maintain healthy poop movements.
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