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Phobias - How Best To Control Them?

MSc - Psychotherapy & Counselling, PGD-PPHC, BASLP, Ph.D in PSYCHOTHERAPY and Counseling
Psychologist, Yamunanagar  •  28 years experience
Phobias - How Best To Control Them?
Breathing exercises can help in calming down the senses when a phobia strikes.
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Phobias - How Best To Control Them?
What is a Phobia?
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Phobias - How Best To Control Them?
Therapy for phobias does not really work in the long run
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Phobias - How Best To Control Them?
What are the symptoms of a phobia?
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Phobias - How Best To Control Them?
You cannot engage your senses to control your phobia
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