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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, M.A. - Clinical Psychology
Homeopathy Doctor, Howrah  •  13 years experience
Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?
Smartphone is a leading allergen in today s world.
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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?
A food item that is known to control seasonal allergic reactions is:
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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?
Wearing gold jewellery instead of imitation ones ensures no skin allergy.
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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?
Which of the following types of allergies is considered fatal?
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Allergies - How Can Homeopathy Treat Them?
You can even be allergic to water
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