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Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?

MBBS, DM - Oncology, MD - General Medicine
Oncologist, Nashik  •  21 years experience
Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?
Which of the following is a diagnostic procedure of interventional radiology?
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Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?
Which of the following technique involves extraction of sample cells to detect the presence of a disease?
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Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?
Which of the following is not a common interventional imaging modality?
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Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?
Which of the following method is used for biliary intervention?
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Interventional Radiology - How It Can Be Used?
Which of the following method is used in the case of vertebroplasty?
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