Masters in Endocrinology, MBBS, C.Diab, CCEBDM(DIABETOLOGY), CCMTD, DOMS
Diabetologist, Mumbai
19 years experience
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In most cases, the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are ignored
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Since the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency progress at a very slow pace, most of the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency tend to go unnoticed until they lead to a severe illness or a serious event. This is known as the Addisonian crisis or in other words, acute adrenal insufficiency. The symptoms of this condition include pain in the lower back, severe diarrhea, and vomiting along with dehydration. In most cases, the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are severe enough to seek medical treatment before the actual crisis takes place.
Which of these are the symptoms of adrenal insufficiency ?
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Adrenal insufficiency, also referred to as Addison's disease is a rare form of endocrine hormonal disorder which affects only one in a million people. It can affect any age group and ethnicity and lead to symptoms like muscle weakness, weight loss, fatigue and low blood pressure. Some people also report that they have experienced darkening of the skin in almost all parts of the body. It is hard to diagnose Addison's disease and therefore, you should never ignore these symptoms.
The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency begin all of a sudden
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The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency typically start through a gradual process. Chronic and worsening fatigue along with a loss of appetite, weight loss, and muscle weakness are some of the most common signs of this disease. In 50 percent of the cases, nausea, vomiting, and fainting. It can also lead to dark tanning, visible scars on the body, hyperpigmentation, and fainting. If you develop a craving for salt, you must watch out for the changes in levels of cortisol and aldosterone hormones.
When does adrenal insufficiency occur ?
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Adrenal insufficiency takes place when the adrenal glands fail to produce adequate levels of cortisol hormone and aldosterone hormone in some cases. For this reason, the disease is often referred to as hypocortisolism and chronic adrenal insufficiency. It is important to note here that the cortisol hormone is produced by the adrenal glands which are located right above the kidneys. It is not possible to know whether you have adrenal insufficiency until you do the necessary blood tests.
Cortisol plays a vital role in maintaining the normal body functions
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According to most scientists, cortisol is responsible for more than hundreds of effects in the body. The most important function of cortisol is to respond to stress while other functions of cortisol hormone include helping maintenance of blood pressure and cardiovascular functions, contribute to slow the inflammatory response of the immune system and helping to balance the effects of insulin in breaking down sugar.