Hormonal imbalance can be caused due to several factors which include an unhealthy diet, insufficient sleep as well as high stress levels. Apart from these factors, several other factors can be the reason behind hormonal imbalance, including diabetes, pregnancy, menopause and other conditions.
Bioidentical hormones, which includes testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and DHEA are not derived from natural substances.
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Bioidentical hormones or synthetic hormones are derived from natural substances and are a part of the hormone replacement therapy. These synthetic hormones imitate the natural hormones and are very effective in restoring the normal hormonal balance and helps treats imbalance effectively.
What is the most common symptom of hormonal imbalance?
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The most common symptom of hormonal imbalance is fatigue. The reason behind this is the higher level of progesterone in your body, which makes you sleepy. Additionally, if your thyroid gland produces a lesser amount of thyroid hormone, you will again feel more tired and sleepy.
Which of the following conditions may result due to hormonal imbalances in females?
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In females, hormonal imbalance can lead to several conditions. It includes heavy periods, endometriosis, and also infertility. Additionally, hormonal imbalance can also affect other systems in the body and pose result in long-term health risks.
Medication and hormonal replacement therapy are the only solutions for solving hormonal imbalance.
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It is true that for the treatment of hormonal imbalance, medications such as anti-conceptive pills, synthetic hormones as well as hormone replacement therapy are resorted to. However, hormonal imbalance can be treated naturally, by making changes in one s diet and lifestyle. Small changes in one s diet and lifestyle can take you a long way in treating hormonal imbalance and before you resort to hormonal replacement therapy.