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Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!

B.H.M.S., B.Sc.
Homeopathy Doctor, Lucknow  •  35 years experience
Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!
Drinking milk causes kidney stones.
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Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!
Kidney stones are most commonly seen in:
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Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!
Benzoic acid can reduce the odor of urine in patients with kidney stones.
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Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!
Which of the following medicines is used in treating kidney stones present in the left kidney?
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Nephrolithiasis - Know How Homeopathy Can Cure It!
Having kidney stones can make your urine pink.
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