M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc Home Science (hons)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ludhiana
15 years experience
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Which of these are health benefits of drinking coffee?
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A study conducted by the University of Florida found that if you are in your 40's or 50's and drink about 3-4 cups of coffee regularly, you may be reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease or dementia later on in your life. It can also slow down the cognitive decline process in older adults. In fact, older adults with coffee intake of about 4 cups daily reduce their risks of mouth and upper throat cancer.
How many cups of coffee healthy adults can have in a day?
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The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine, proportions of which are highly variable per cup. Each cup of coffee can have anywhere between 50mg-400mg of caffeine. Generally, an 8 ounce cup of coffee contains about 100mg of caffeine. Several studies suggest that 400 mg of caffeine (roughly 4 cups) are safe for most healthy adults. There are other sources of caffeine as well, such as certain soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolates, etc.
Caffeine increases the risk of heart diseases
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A large number of studies reveal that caffeine consumption has been unfairly associated with cardiovascular diseases, rise in cholesterol levels and irregular heartbeats. A minor rise in blood pressure does follow caffeine consumption, but only with people who are sensitive to this widely consumed psychoactive drug. But, if you have high blood pressure, it will be wise on your part to consult your doctor before increasing your daily caffeine intake.
Caffeine is addictive, hence unsafe
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Caffeine can work as a stimulant and is therefore, considered to be a drug. Yes, it can be mildly addictive but nothing as compared to other addictive drugs. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are reported by few who try to abruptly stop their caffeine intake, but these symptoms usually do not last for more than a week. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can be avoided if you gradually ease down on your daily caffeine intake.
Pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant should avoid coffee at all costs
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Research has concluded on the fact that moderate consumption of caffeine would not do harm to pregnant women and has no bearing on reproductive factors. In fact, no study has been able to find any correlation between caffeine intake and abnormal fetal growth or spontaneous abortion. All said and done, pregnant women should try caffeine consumption in moderation (about 2-3 cups per day) to be absolutely safe and yet enjoy their favorite hot beverage.