BPTh/BPT, Fellowship in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (FOR), MBA (Healthcare)
Physiotherapist, Delhi
20 years experience
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Which of these are health benefits of climbing stairs?
1 of 5
When you climb a flight of stairs, your heart rate increases, which helps prevent high blood pressure, weight gain and clogged arteries. This helps to fight certain chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart diseases, etc. Plus, climbing stairs makes your body release the "feel good" hormones called endorphins, which help improve your mental health. Your bone density and muscle tone improve over time if you have a habit of climbing stairs.
Stair climbing is beneficial for everyone.
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If you are suffering from any heart condition or a problem of the knees, hips or ankle, you should avoid taking the flight of stairs. You must seek professional advice to reduce any risk of injury resulting from climbing the stairs. Be extra cautious while going down the stairs because it is then that your knees and ankles are subjected to stress almost 6 times your normal body weight.
30-60 minutes of stair climbing on a regular basis is good for your health
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Fitness experts usually recommend about 30 minutes to an hour of stair climbing (approximately 45 minutes every day) for about 5 to 6 days a week in order to achieve maximum health benefits. You should start slowly and target one flight of stairs at a time. For improved performance and better results, try wearing firm shoes, which protect your feet as well.
How many calories can you burn by climbing a flight of stairs?
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When you climb stairs, you burn approximately 8-9 times more energy as compared to when you are sitting and about 7 times more calories than taking the elevator. You burn roughly 0.17 calories for every step you climb in a flight of stairs. Considering the average number of steps in a flight of stairs to be 12, you can burn about 1.7-2.04 calories for every flight of stairs you climb.
Taking two steps a time burns more calories
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It's a myth that taking two steps at a time burns more calories. When you climb one stair at a time, you happen to burn more energy over a sustained period of time. Climbing two steps at a time means more energy expenditure, but taking one step at a time is more expensive energetically over the entirety of the stairway.