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Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!

M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, B.Sc Home Science (hons)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Ludhiana  •  15 years experience
Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!
Which of these are good summer foods?
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Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!
Which of these foods should you avoid during summer?
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Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!
Eating the wrong foods can lead to food poisoning, but it isn't a big deal
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Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!
A glass of iced tea in summer does not do much good to your body
4 of 5
Summer Heat - Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated!
Leftovers are fine for days as long as they stay refrigerated
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