Sounds disgusting right? But studies show that the traditional anti-bacterial soaps with harsh fragrances strip the moisture and natural oils of your skin, making it dry and flaky. Moreover, your skin is home to several beneficial bacteria which help fight diseases. Bathing frequently kills these bacteria, making you prone to skin diseases. Hence, always use a mild soap and a good quality protein shampoo to make for a happy shower!
Taking a cold shower daily in the morning can make you more alert and energetic.
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Taking a cold shower daily increases your overall intake of oxygen as well as speeds up our heart rate. Increased heart rate produces a rush of blood through your entire body, making your body more receptive to external stimulation and enhancing the overall energy level. But showering more than once daily can deplete your skin of its natural moisture and oils, making your skin dry, rough and flaky.
Greasy hair is healthy hair!
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Grease, as long as it s not confused with dirt, is basically the protective emollient that protects your hair shafts and keeps your hair and scalp moisturised. Shampooing is an emulsifier that captures and traps excess oil, dirt and grease and rinses them out to clean your hair. But shampooing daily removes the necessary oil, making your hair shafts weak and prone to breakage. It also leads to very dry scalp, giving rise to problems such as dandruff. You can shampoo twice or thrice a week with mild protein shampoo to keep your hair clean as well as healthy.
Health benefits of taking a cold shower more than once in a day:
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This is because the stored fat in your body keeps you warm and gets stimulated when your body is exposed to low temperature. When you take a cold shower, the stored fat gets activated and starts burning in an attempt to generate heat and keep you warm. This leads to fat loss, although not significantly.
One of the lesser known ill effects of showering more than once include:
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Nothing but the truth! The water you are using to shower contains harsh minerals such as chlorine, copper, iron, hydrogen peroxide as well as acids such as sulphuric and nitric acids which can damage your hair and discolour it. Hence, it s best to wash your hair about 2-3 times a week with lukewarm water and a mild moisturizing shampoo to keep your hair clean as well as healthy.