Post Graduate Diploma in Holistic Healthcare, PG Diploma Clinical research, Diploma in Medical Writing, MSc Biotechnology
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Which of the following is the main constituent of biscuits?
1 of 6
The brown covering of the wheat is usually removed during processing, due to which it loses most of its vitamin values. They are also rich in hydrogenated oils and sugars, which are rich in trans fats. These trans fats decrease good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol, thus increasing chances of heart disease and diabetes.
Which of the following kinds of biscuits should be avoided during dieting?
2 of 6
Cookies and cream biscuits are equally bad for those who are dieting; especially as they are very sweet, containing high levels of sugars and other artificial flavoring and coloring agents. Khari biscuits should also be avoided, as they are very rich in margarine, vanaspati oils and maida; all of which are an essential source of trans fats.
Biscuits have low calorie content
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Even lightly sweetened biscuits contain a very high quantity of calories (over 25 calories per piece), which in order to be burnt out, will require almost half an hour of intensive exercise, such as aerobics. Sweetened biscuits, in this regard, contain very high quantities of calories and often provide quick and sudden bursts of energy, which however, may prove to be bad for your health in the long run.
Eating excessive biscuits can damage your memory
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Excessive biscuit consumption is detrimental to health, mainly due to the trans fats present in them which are added chiefly to improve flavor, texture and longevity. Research has shown, that these have reflected rather poorly on the memories of those who consume a lot of biscuits regularly, especially after education and age were factored in.
Which of the following is the main constituent of biscuits?
5 of 6
The brown covering of the wheat is usually removed during processing, due to which it loses most of its vitamin values. They are also rich in hydrogenated oils and sugars, which are rich in trans fats. These trans fats decrease good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol, thus increasing chances of heart disease and diabetes.
Biscuits are a good source of fiber
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Though many biscuits in the market are advertised to be excellent fiber sources, they may not be as trustworthy as they seem. They do contain fiber, but that isn't nearly as close to the daily fiber requirement of the body. For that, a healthier option would be fruits and vegetables in ample amounts.