Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
12 years experience
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How are soft drinks beneficial to you?
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The caffeine content in soft drinks has its own benefits. It stimulates your central nervous system, breaks fatty acids in your liver and reduces headaches. People who consume caffeine in moderate amounts are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease when they age. Colon cancer, gallstones, and cirrhosis of the liver are other health conditions which can be prevented by the caffeine content in soft drinks. The carbonated water eases stomach aches and is good for your gastrointestinal tract.
Which of these are the negative impacts of soft drinks on your body?
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The acidic properties of any soft drink contribute to corrosion of your teeth by eroding its enamel. In fact, the high sugar composition aids in the development of bacteria which can result in dental problems and dental decay. The phosphoric acid present in soft drinks can disturb the calcium phosphorus balance, thus leading to premature osteoporosis. Soft drinks have saccharin in large amounts which are linked to bladder cancer.
Moderate soft drink intake can help you prevent muscle cramps and pain
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Sodium is one of the most important ingredients of soft drinks. Sodium helps your body retain water and avoid muscle pain and cramps. A proper electrolyte balance of your body, slow aging process of the skin and reduced drop in blood pressure levels are other benefits you get the sodium content in soft drinks.
"Diet" soft drinks are better than regular soft drinks
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A diet soda or a soft drink doesn't mean it is healthy. In fact, research says, that the "false sweetness" in diet sodas can be quite a problem as it can lead to weight gain. Apart from an increasing waistline, regular diet soda consumption is also associated with a number of other health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, and stroke.
Clear soft drinks are better than their darker peers
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This is almost true. The darker soft drinks have large portions of caramel which can severely discolor your teeth and cause dental decay. But the biggest point where lighter colored soft drinks score over the darker ones is typically the caffeine content. If you don't want caffeine going into your system, you should dodge the darker sodas and go for the colorless/clearer ones.