Hormonal contraception like the birth control pills is a very popular form of contraception for women. Condoms are also very popular amongst men. Female condoms or condoms that women can use during sex are fast catching up. Intrauterine devices like the Copper T are preferred because of their ease of use. These are also over 99 percent effective and can stay in from five to 10 years, and can be removed at any time by a health professional. IUD and the oral contraceptive pills don t protect you from sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, Hepatitis, and Herpes, so you have to make sure that you or your sexual partner uses a condom to protect against these diseases.
What is the intrauterine device or IUD?
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The biggest pro of IUDs is that these devices start working as soon as they are inserted in your body and don t affect your fertility at all - when they are removed, your fertility will return to normal. IUDs also don t contain any hormones like Progesterone and Estrogens like the oral contraceptives. IUDs can make periods heavier and are not for you if you are anaemic. They also increase the chance of getting an infection in the first 20 days after insertion. So, approach your healthcare provider immediately if you suffer from heavy periods and pelvic pain after insertion of an IUD.
Birth control methods, also called contraceptives, are basically ways to prevent a pregnancy before it happens.
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When it comes to birth control many women tend to stick to the pills or condoms, but there are actually 16 contraceptive methods available to prevent an unwanted pregnancy today. Hormonal contraceptive methods like the birth control patch, implant, injection, sponge and vaginal ring- all introduce the female sex hormones into your bloodstream just the way a birth control pill does for preventing fertilization and implantation. You should always choose a contraception method after a close consultation with a specialist. Specific hormonal contraceptive methods, like the combined pills and IUDs, may not suit all women.
The most common method of birth control is the birth control pills or oral contraceptive pills.
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There are basically two types of birth control pills- one type contains the female sex hormone progesterone and the other type contains a combination of estrogen and progesterone. Both work in different ways to prevent a pregnancy. These pills can be close to 100 percent effective at preventing pregnancy if used correctly.
There any women who can't take combined birth control pills safely.
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A lot of women can't take estrogen, which is found in combination with progesterone in combined birth control pills. The list includes women with a history of blood clots, breast cancer, or heart disease, and also women who smoke. Progesterone- only oral contraceptive pills are safer for these women. Combined pills have a low risk of serious side-effects such as blood clots, breast, and cervical cancer. These can also cause headaches and nausea. They are also linked to an increase in the risk of dangerous conditions like thrombosis. So, always take them under medical supervision only.