The human appendix is usually located in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. The base of the appendix is located one inch below the Tulp s valve, a sphincter muscle valve which separates the small intestine and large intestine.
Which of the following is thought to be one of the functions of the appendix?
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The actual function of the appendix is still not clear and many scientists consider it as a vestigial organ. But one theory regarding the appendix suggests that it maintains the gut flora and helps in rebooting the digestive system after the diarrheal illness.
Which of the following things can be compared with the appendix in context of its size?
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The human appendix is approximately three to four inches long on an average. However, its length may range from one inch to eight inches. The diameter of the appendix typically lies between seven to eight mm.
What happens in appendicitis?
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Appendicitis is a medical condition, characterized by an inflammation of the appendix. The inflammation is usually accompanied by pain, which is dull and poorly localized in the initial phase. The pain begins to localize towards the right quadrant of the abdomen with the progression of the inflammation of the appendix. Anyone can get affected by appendicitis, but it mostly affects the people between the age of 10 and 30 years. It is the prime reason in case of children to perform the abdominal surgery, but it s a rare condition for a child under the age of two years.
What is the usual treatment in case of appendicitis?
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Surgical removal of appendix is the only treatment available for appendicitis. It can be done either by laparotomy or with the help of laparoscopy. The surgery is usually done as an emergency procedure in case of acute appendicitis. If left untreated, the appendix may rupture and may lead to peritonitis. In rare cases, it may also lead to shock, and if still untreated, death. Intravenous antibiotics may be administered to the patient to delay or avoid the onset of sepsis if surgical facilities are unavailable.