MBBS, MS - General Surgery, DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery
Urologist, Delhi
21 years experience
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Early diagnosis of the UTI doesn t have any role to play in preventing health issues caused by kidney infections.
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Various studies have shown that the presence of an infection in the urinary tract for long has given rise to various health issues, a damaged kidney and disruption of the normal renal function, being two major issues. There is no doubt that if the UTI is diagnosed early it automatically reduces the risk of deteriorating the overall health condition. Remember, in pregnancy, early diagnosis of UTI can save both the mother and the infant from suffering from serious health issues.
Which of these reasons stand for the importance of the early diagnosis of UTI?
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Early diagnosis of urinary tract infection helps in preventing the further spread of the disease to other parts of the urinary tract. Early diagnosis not only helps in the prevention of frequent scarring caused by the infection but also saves the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract from getting infected. Even as the infection progresses people tend to experience urinary discomforts which certainly can be reduced and controlled when the UTI is diagnosed early. Consult with a urologist right away in case you suspect you are suffering from a UTI.
People who suffer from health issues like diabetes, kidney stones, bowel incontinence, etc. stand a greater risk of developing a UTI.
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From suffering from kidney stones or a weak immune system, the risk factor of urinary tract infection can be various. While physical condition like pregnancy also increases the chance of developing an infection in the urinary tract, but sometimes the defect in the urinary tract from birth or health conditions like diabetes also increases the threat of UTI. Consult your urologist to know the best UTI prevention options that can help in reducing the risk of developing UTI.
Which of these parts of the urinary tract can be affected by urinary tract infection?
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When the urinary tract suffers from an infection, there's no border or limit for a particular part of the urinary tract that won't suffer from the infection. From the bladder to the urinary tract, as well as the kidneys can suffer from the UTI. Once the infection starts inside the UT, it gradually starts spreading if undiagnosed and untreated. If left untreated for long, the UTI may cause permanent damage to the kidneys which may result in a number of urinary issues.
A frequent and strong urge to urinate and experiencing a burning and painful sensation during urination are common symptoms of UTI.
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There are various symptoms of a UTI. Some of the most common symptoms are a persistent and strong urge for urination, the presence of blood in the urine, the color of urine becoming red or cola colored, strongly smelly urine, urine appearing cloudy, a burning sensation every time one urinates. Depending on the severity and location of the infection, the UTI treatment may vary from person to person.