General Physician, Bangalore
45 years experience
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Which of the following minerals are reduced when you cry?
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The act of crying or relieving tears greatly reduces the magnesium level of your body, a fact that has been found through research. It has been found, that tears contain 30 times greater the concentration of magnesium than in blood serum.
Which of the following can be a health advantage of tears?
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Tears are essential in preventing dryness of your eyes, by coating the eyes with liquid and washing out harmful bacteria or other dust particles from the eyes. This prevents possibilities of infection and helps in healing the damage done to the eyes by other factors.
Crying decreases stress level and blood pressure
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Increase in stress level aggravate the chances of heart attacks; which may lead to damage to certain areas of your brain. Tears acts an outburst trigger in this regard. It has also been found that blood pressure as well as pulse rate decrease considerably post sessions of increased anger and crying.
Tears help in discharge of toxins
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Tears actually aid the removal of toxins from your body. It helps in the discharge of chemicals that are built up through times of emotional stress, and thus ends up making you feel lighter.
Crying means you're human
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While it is known that all mammals have their eyes moistened by tears, human beings are the only species that shed tears as a response to emotional stress. It is a way used by humans to acknowledge their feelings. Emotions are essential to us in the motivation of empathy, cooperation and other feelings which are essential for our human survival.