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Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!

M.Ch - Plastic Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Nashik  •  20 years experience
Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!
Liposuction can be performed on obese people to help them lose weight. `
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Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!
Which of the doctors among the following specializations performs liposuction?
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Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!
After the liposuction procedure, it is advisable to continue with over the counter medications such as aspirin and others.
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Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!
Which of the following habits should you give up for good before the surgery?
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Liposuction - Know The Do's and Don'ts!
Liposuction can sculpt your abs and abdomen in just a few hours.
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