MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - General Surgery, Phd
General Surgeon, Lucknow
49 years experience
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What are some causes that could necessitate removal of the thyroid gland?
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The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ in front of the neck, which produces thyroxin as directed by the pituitary gland. This is an essential hormone for managing metabolism within the body. Due to autoimmune reasons or uncontrolled pituitary activity, excessive thyroid could be produced. This leads to palpitations, weight gain, and overall increased metabolism. To control thyroid activity, it would require removal. Talk to your doctor to understand if thyroid is being removed partly or completely. Only if total or complete thyroidectomy has been done or thyroid stimulating hormone needs to be suppressed
What are some types of thyroid surgery?
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It is always not necessary that the entire thyroid gland is removed. A part of it can be removed, especially in cases of cancer, where the unaffected portion is left behind. In overactive thyroid gland, a subtotal thyroidectomy is done where a small portion is left behind which will take care of the body s thyroixin needs. Thyroxin is essential for regulating body metabolism and increase or decrease can have adverse effects on the body.
What are some complications arising out of thyroid surgery?
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The neck area is a highly complex area where there are multiple cranial nerves and other blood vessels. While thyroid surgery is being performed, it is highly likely that these structures could be damaged. The most common is the laryngeal nerve, which could later affect the voice. The parathyroid glands, which sit within the thyroid help in calcium metabolism and should be protected also. Undergoing total thyroid removal can require one to be on thyroid supplements to ensure body metabolism is maintained at optimal levels.
Thyroid removal requires being on lifelong thyroid hormone replacement
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The thyroid hormone is essential for regulating body metabolism. However, the extent of thyroid gland removed will dictate the need for replacement. In many cases, where a lobe or part of the gland is removed, there is no need for replacement. The remaining thyroid still can produce sufficient amounts of the hormone. However, if a total thyroidectomy was done, hormone replacement could be required. It is advisable to periodically monitor thyroid levels to ensure there is no need for thyroxine supplement.
Thyroid removal ensures the cancer is completely cured
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Complete thyroid removal is definitely useful in the treatment of thyroid cancers. However, if cancer has spread to the nearby lymph nodes, then it is highly likely that removing the thyroid alone would help in controlling cancer. An extensive diagnosis to identify the extent of spread can help identify this, which will also help in planning the surgery. Periodic monitoring after surgical removal of thyroid is essential, especially if the patient was suffering from cancer.