BPTh/BPT, Fellowship in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation (FOR), MBA (Healthcare)
Physiotherapist, Delhi
20 years experience
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Repeating same exercises everyday help you lose weight.
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Repeating the same exercises everyday is good for your overall health as it helps maintain optimum blood glucose levels, insulin levels, bleed pressure and hear health. But people looking forward to lose weight with the help of exercises should know that repeating the same exercises everyday may not help. You may feel satisfied with the results initially, but you should change the mode, type, intensity and duration of exercises to be able to lose weight effectively.
Which of the following exercises is the best for toning lower abdomen?
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Raising your legs toward the ceiling while lying down as you breather in and then dropping them slowly in the resting position while breathing out is an easy exercise that can be practised daily. This exercise helps tone and tighten the abdominal muscles and lead to reduction of abdominal fat over a period of time.
Performing simple exercises for just 5 minutes a day can lead to several health benefits.
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Completing a set of five simple exercises push up, standard squat, jumping jack, hip bridge and plank for 60 seconds each can lead to a number of health benefits. Some of the benefits include improved metabolism, increased flow of blood to different parts of the body, improved strength and energy levels and joint lubrication.
Which of the following household activities does not count as an everyday exercise?
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All household activities such as mopping floor, dusting the living room, washing clothes, climbing stairs and gardening count as an exercise as the body ends up burning significant amount of calories. However, lying down or sitting while watching television does now count as an exercise. It is, in fact, associated with an increased risk of obesity.
Which of the following is not a benefit of exercising daily?
5 of 5
Exercising has many benefits, but it does not help cut down on appetite. In fact, you may feel even more hungry after a simple exercising session and end up craving for food. But that does not mean that you end up relishing unhealthy food after exercising as the complete benefit of it will be lost. Exercising sometimes may cut down on hunger only when you indulge in a high-intensity exercising session. But simple everyday exercise does not have any impact on appetite.