Saturated fat and cholesterol from animal meat are harmful for your body
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There are two types of cholesterol in your body; good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Saturated fat and cholesterol both raise the good cholesterol (HDL) level in your body, which helps protect you against heart diseases. Sometimes they might cause a very mild increase in LDL level, which is not a very big factor to worry about.
Vegans have a longer life span with lesser risk of killer diseases
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The reality is that vegans are a lot more health conscious than non vegans. They are also lot more likely to exercise, with zero smoking and alcohol habits. Fruits and vegetables form a large share of their daily diets, all of which contribute to a healthier and a longer life. So it would be incomplete to say that vegans live longer because they avoid animal meat only, but also because they do other health promoting things.
Which of these arguments support going vegan?
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Vegans do not consume products such as dairy products, eggs, honey etc. which are derived from animals. This stems from the firm belief that animals have all the right to coexist freely without being utilized in any way. Veganism is an epitome of a "cruelty free lifestyle". Another argument for veganism holds that eating animal fat and protein can cause a large number of health problems such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, heart disease, etc.
Which of these may be suggestive of veganism being a bad idea?
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Animal proteins have all the amino acids in the right ratios. Right amount of animal protein is essential for proper body composition, lack of which can be detrimental for your bone and muscle health. A vegan diet lacks creatine (nitrogenous organic acid found in all vertebrates) which helps form energy buffer for all the cells in your body. The lack of creatine can result in poor muscle and brain function.
There is no reason to completely avoid animal foods
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Your body is programmed and perfectly capable of digesting, absorbing and making full use of all the nutrients found in animal foods. Processed meats have their own ill effects on your body, but the same doesn't apply with unprocessed meats. Unprocessed red meat which has been unfairly vilified in the past has not got much to do with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Animal foods are extremely nutritious as they are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.