Some medications which are used to treat acne or are anti-epileptic may lead to miscarriage.
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Medicines which are used to treat acne like isotretinoin and anti-epileptic drugs are strictly prohibited during pregnancy as they can lead to miscarriage. Women who are of reproductive age should stop taking these medicines. They can also lead to birth defects. Consult your doctor before taking any medicine before conceiving or during pregnancy.
Preconception care includes supplements such as
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Spina bifida can be effectively prevented by taking folic acid supplements before pregnancy. It also helps to prevent cleft palate. Folic acid when taken with vitamin B12, helps in the manufacture of brain neurotransmitters and DNA. Another major advantage is that the supplement prevents depression. It also supports homocysteine levels and supports the proper formation of healthy bones. It is also crucial for the formation of RBCs in the body. Take 400 mcg of folic acid daily as the standard measure of care.
Sickle cell anemia in pregnant women is not an issue to think about.
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Sickle cell anemia is definitely dangerous for pregnant women as they may pass this to their baby. It is a condition during which the red blood cells alter their shape and become like a sickle. Normally the cells are round. Due to this change in the absorptive area of the cells become less, and the cells cannot carry oxygen as usual. Thus blood flow becomes disrupted resulting in pain and even organ damages. Taking folic acid supplements may lead to improvement of sickle cell anemic condition.
Assessment should be made of immunization records of diseases like,
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All the above diseases which are applied to the pregnant women o prevent the development of such diseases in them. For example, if any women are likely to conceive in the season when influenza rates are high, then she should be vaccinated with the influenza vaccine to prevent the fetus from getting the disease. Similarly, in the case of rubella and varicella, vaccination must be given to pregnant women so that the fetus does not develop the respective disease. Consult the doctors properly before vaccination as some vaccines like rubella need the woman to conceive after a month of vaccination.
Women who have heart diseases should undergo counseling before conceiving.
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Women who have heart diseases should be more concerned about their health before conceiving. This is because pregnancy puts extra stress on the heart. The blood volume naturally increases by 30 to 50 percent during pregnancy because blood is needed to nourish the growing fetus. So to pump this amount of blood the heart needs to put more effort. Even during labor, the heart undergoes a lot of stress. Patients with heart problems may not be able to endure this. If any woman has heart problems in their reproductive age, they must start their counseling from long before.