MBBS, M.S. (Gold Medalist), MCh - Surgical Gastroenterology/G I Surgery
General Surgeon, Agra
20 years experience
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What is the main reason that causes large intestine appendicitis?
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When the tube that joins your large intestine and appendix is blocked or trapped by stool, the appendix then becomes sore and swollen. The blood supply to the appendix stops as the swelling and soreness gets worse. If the appendix is inflamed and swollen and cannot empty, germs may attack.
Most cases of large intestine appendicitis occur in people between the age group of 10 and 30 years.
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Though appendicitis is common and can affect anyone at any age, teenagers and young adults are most commonly affected. Having a family history may also raise your risk of large intestine appendicitis, especially if you are a man. It is slightly more common in men than women.
What are the common symptoms of large intestine appendicitis?
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Abdominal pain is one of the most common and early symptom of appendicitis. A dull pain around your belly button that evolves to become a much sharper severe pain in the right side of your lower tummy. Other common symptoms that a patient may experience include a feeling of sickness, high temperature, constipation, frequent urination, loss of appetite, and swollen belly.
Which of the following treatment is used for large intestine appendicitis?
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It is likely that appendix can burst and cause serious and deadly infection. For this reason, your doctor will probably advise that you have a surgery to remove your appendix. It could be removed in a traditional open surgery or by using laparoscopy. Antibiotics are administered to eliminate the infection after the surgery.
It is said that there are no standard ways to prevent appendicitis.
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It is absolutely true that there are no standard ways to prevent appendicitis. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits helps to keep the gastrointestinal system healthy and reduce the chances of infection.