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Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?

MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, FRGUHS (Cosmetology)
Dermatologist, Bangalore  •  15 years experience
Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?
Tea Tree Oil can work wonders in the case of Impetigo
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Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?
Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection caused by
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Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?
Which of the following symptoms are exhibited by people with Impetigo Contagiosa
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Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?
The application of Topical antibiotics such as Bactroban can slow down the healing process
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Impetigo - How Can It Be Managed?
Impetigo can be of
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