Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Pune
16 years experience
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What are some of the most common ways of detoxifying the body on a daily basis?
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There are various effective techniques which ensure the body is detoxed on a regular basis. Drinking a glass of warm water with a lime squeezed into it is one of the best ways to detox the system. And with it, if you keep yourself abstain from alcohol, fried foods and snacks, it is going to be the icing on the cake. Keep a day of the week to eat only raw or cooked vegetables with minimal spices and see the difference in the body. Fasting as practised in the earlier days is another well-established way to give your body an automatic detoxification.
What are some external techniques for detoxifying the body?
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Not just internally, but externally also the stress level needs to be reduced. This can be done through multiple ways including a regular exercise routine which ensures toxins are released through sweat, rectifying irregular sleep and following a regular sleep pattern. Things that cause excessive stress are toxic in nature and so they need to be managed. The body can be massaged with various herbal oils which is a great way to relax the muscles, improve blood flow, reduce stress, and detox the body. Set a schedule for internal and external detox based on your body's requirements and see the beautiful change in you.
What are some effects of not detoxifying the body on a regular basis?
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There are definite indications which point to the need for a detox, it is like the body is literally screaming for it. There is lack of focus, inability to concentrate, lack of sleep, lack of energy, low physical energy, are all symptoms that point to the need for detoxification. Once you identify what calls for a detox for you, stick to it. It is essential for overall health.
The body requires both internal and external detoxification.
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While it is true that foods are a great source of toxins to the body, there are also stressors which do not enter the body system but cause an equal amount of stress. The foods including processed foods, sugary foods, oily foods, etc., are toxic in nature. In addition, smoking, your stress level, the lack of physical activity, and your surroundings too are highly toxic in nature. These need to be managed so that toxic effects are reduced and the body's damage is minimal. The body can be completely detoxified by detoxifying your both internal and external self.
Periodic detoxification is important for the body.
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The body is exposed to a lot of toxins from the environment, food, and your surroundings. Therefore, there is constant damage that the skin, hair, and internal organs go through. The body thus requires periodic detoxification so that these toxins are removed and the damage that the body has undergone can be reduced. Different people react to toxins in a different manner and therefore the periodicity of detoxification should be decided accordingly. Watch out for symptoms of toxin overdose and set up a periodicity for detoxification.